AMC Enhances JIT Customer Operations with a new Multi-Level Pallet Trailer Load & Unload System Incorporating Motorized Driven Roller Conveyor (MDR)

AMC recently installed a seat pallet multi-level JIT trailer load/unload system. The system is comprised of a combination, MDR (Motor Driven Roller), CDLR (Chain Driven Live Roller), and belt conveyors. The system automatically unloads 450lb empty pallet stacks from the incoming trailer. The empty pallets are 75 lbs. each and are stacked six high. The pallet stacks travel from the trailer through the MDR conveyor at speeds of 60 feet per minute to an awaiting de-stacker. The de-stacker removes individual pallets that travel to the awaiting robot to place finished seats.

The finished seats progress to the simulator section. The simulator section is a multi-level, multi-lane intelligent device that is intended to reverse the sequence from an in-line sequence to a Last-in-first-out (LIFO) mode, such that the first pallet of a batch into the simulator, is the last one out of the simulator and the first to come out of the trailer at the customer.

Our system also includes trailer de-springers, which help locate and position the trailer for proper load and unloading, dock lock, and outside control boxes for communication with the trailer.